Thursday, January 5, 2012

Much better!

Could we possibly have better January weather?? Seventy degrees??? AND tomorrow's supposed to be the same!! Aaaaand, I don;t have to work tomorrow, so all I have to do is finish school, and head to the barn! Let's hope it works out that way...;)

So today we did about and hour. Buster did much better today on his circles, even though we just kept it at a walk. He braced less, and was more consistent. Until Cooper came along and started aggravating him....rotten little dog. Buster decided it would be fun to chase Cooper (which is something he's never done before), and almost took the rope out of my hands again. But he came back nicely.

I also timed myself for my audition. We took things pretty slowly, and we didn't do as many circles as I'm planning for the audition, but we ended up right at ten minutes. So I might have to add something later to fill in any extra time.....we'll see. Oh, and my new audition outline works much better than the first one!

We did a little bit of riding afterwards. It was dark, so all we had were the barn lights to see. We just worked on trot to back up, and did some weaving through cones and walking over tarps. He had an excellent yoyo today, online and freestyle!!

Tomorrow should make for some awesome riding!

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