Monday, November 26, 2012


I'm not done uploading pics from Hosse and Soul yet. ;) But daggum it takes forever to get them up! I shall finish!




I'm happy! :D

Friday, November 23, 2012

The entrance of Pat Parelli!


"We're going to learn at least three things today..."

Carol Coppinger working with Legend, an LBE>

Robyn and her horse whose name I can't remember! D: He was a cutie though!

Love how Pat teaches. :)

Fancy, eh?

Jerilyn and Starbucks!

Starbucks, an LBI.

This was the Mismatch horse, Magic- and extreme LBE. He was gorgeous!

Rolling off some adrenaline!

Ha! Loved this moment! Was so glad to have gotten a picture of it!

Monday, November 19, 2012

I think I know where I'll be going to college. Parelli University. Somehow, someway. I'm applying for jobs and such now.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thought about changing the banner at the top of this page today for the first time since losing Buster. I don't think I will though, just because I've lost him. He's the one that trained me. Even if I'm no longer being trained by him, he still taught me all the basics.

I'll leave it. I might change the sub header a little, to kind of a past tense thing, but I'll leave everything else.

Missing that horse like the dickens!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Oh, and thought I should mention that Arragon is pretty lame. His front right is just getting worse and worse. Today he was pretty much unrideable. We don;t know if it's bad arthritis acting up, or waht. We'll have to see what happens....
I really do not know what is wrong with this program, but I've just about decided to give up my sense of organization and clarity and just post without being able to make paragraphs. The enter button will not work on this program alone. It sucks. But until another option is found, you guys will just have to get used to it. Sorry. :/

:OOOO It's workingggggg!

Soooo....while this is working, I'm going to catch up!!


Horse and Soul was one of the most incredible experiences of my life!

I'm supposed to be doing school right now. So I'll make this painfully short. Here's the event schedule:

 My favorite sessions were definitely Horsenality, Mismatch, Lead Change Logic, and Rider Biomechanics!

For the Horsenality session, they brought out four horses that were good examples of the four horsenalities with their owners. One at a time, the owners would send thier horse in a circle. For the RBE, Linda said that the best way to calm them down is to let them run. Holding them back just builds up speed. She said to speed them up for a full circle, then give them 3 laps to slow down. If they do not slow down, speed them up again for another lap. Repeat. Soon enough, they'll run themselves out.

For the RBI, don't apply ANY pressure! They are so sensitive! Linda had the owner use tiny cues, and turn away and ignore the horse when the horse did something correct. They are so willing and sensitive!

For the LBE, any time he acts up (bucks, hops, rears, bolts), mirrior him.

For the LBI, instead of asking for more speed, ask him to go even slower. One foot at a time. Then speed him up. After going so slow, he'll want to offer more.

The Mismatch was an extremely helpful to me! It was amazing how Linda kept this horse busy all of the time!

Lead Change Logic was where Pat demonstrated lead changes and how to get proper changes on Slider. Daddy said he actually enjoyed that part a lot too! Pat is so good at explaining things!

Rider Biomechanics was probably the big one for me. It was a short session with Colleen Kelly (who's just awesome!) and Linda, and 4 riders. Colleen talked about how to properly sit on the horse- to where you have the best balance and are comfortable, and it's comfortable and healthier for the horse. She talked about sitting on your butt- not way back like some riders, but not way up either. She said to sit right at the bottom of your Gluteus Bigimus (a Pat word!)- this happens to be the most comfortable position for me, so I was thrilled that it was correct! I had been working really hard on sitting way up forward, which had been bringing my whole body too far forward.

She also talked about shortening your stirrups. She said that she took up her stirrups 7 holes! Same for Carol Coppinger! She said that a long leg is good, yes, but you need to have a considerable bend in it as well. Otherwise you'll tip right off. She did some demos that were so eye opening. I've always liked my stirrups pretty short...but had kept them long because we're supposed to ride with as long a leg as possible. Bareback, I think that still applies a little, but in the saddle, I'm so happy to be able to take my stirrups up now and know that it's okay!

Let's see....some fun, awesome things!

WE SAW WYNONNA JUDD. WE FLIPPING SAW WYNONNA JUDD. SHE WAS THERE. Her husband was in a motorcycle crash recently, and had to have his leg amputated. Apparently, he's a huge reiner, so he was talking to Pat about what he can do now that he's got a prosthetic. Isn't that the most awesome thing?? So him, his daughter, and Wynonna were there!!

We also got to see Mary Ann Kennedy! She was there too! Linda introduced her!

AND WE GOT LINDA'S AUTOGRAPH. AND A HUG. A HUGGGGGGGGG! AND WE GOT TO LIKE, TALK TO HER A LITTLE, AND GOT A PICTURE WITH HER!!!!! When we were in line, we were talking amongst ourselves, and suddenly it was a our turn, and so, Katy gave me a little push from behind (because I was the introvert in a sea of extroverts), and it made Linda laugh! Totally. Made. My. Day.

AND I SHOOK THE MAN'S HAND. This still seems a little unreal to me. We had front row seats both days. We got there early both mornings to get in line before the doors opened. On Sunday we were actually like the 20th people in...close to that. Anyway, we were up front, and before everything started on Sunday, Pat rode out on Slider and was shaking hands with everyone in the front row. And so we all got to shake his hand. And, thinking back on it, I wanna scream with happiness! He looked me in the eye, and gave me the most genuine smile! Lucky for me, my handy dandy photographic memory kicked in, and I have the most awesome mental shot of that smile! I don't understand the people that say a photographic memory is a curse....I even don't mind the bad shots it takes. But anyway, I digress.

Yeah, it was a pretty amazing trip. Like, the best thing that's ever happened to me.

OH! The coolest thing happened on Sunday! At the end of the day, they gave away this huge prize- $1700 worth of Parelli gear. Linda read of the drawing. Here's what she said:
She pulled out the slip of paper.
"If you live in....*our town name*...or, maybe I'm not pronouncing that right..."
 Mrs. Miller looked at us and said: "That's one of us." So we all started getting ready to freak.
And then Linda read of the name- Sharon *last name*
And we were kind of stunned. Sharon, who was a volunteer  cashier for retail, ran out. We were totally stunned. Unbeleivably happy for Sharon, but stunned that someone else from our town was in Murfreesboro!! I mean, our town isn't even really a town! It's a post office and an auto repair! That's it! So after everything was over, I went back down to retail to see if I could talk to her and find out if she really was from our town, or if she was from a town with the same name. I went up to a cashier, and as she was checking me out, I asked if Sharon was from MO. And Jill, the cahsier, said yes!! ANd she was the sweetest lady, so she started looking for Sharon for me, but Sharon had gone to put away the prize pack. But Sharon's husband, Bill, was also a volunteer casheir, and she grabbed him and we just chatted for a while! They live on a highway that's like, 10 miles from us! It was so neat! So we just chatted, and I connected with him on Parelli Connect that night. was the best trip of my life. I have so many pictures. I won't post any tonight, but soon. The nearest tour stop for next year is in KY, in May. Kate and I are planning on going!